Monday, June 6, 2011

Motorola Droid 3 Review, Android with 8MP of Camera

Motorola Droid 3, the latest weapon in the field of smart phones Motorola has now beenrevealed through a series of video tutorials.

As a result, as quoted PULSAonline via Engadget, some features that would be presentin this smartphone also revealed, such as the 8 MP camera that has the ability to record1080p video.

Not only that, the video was also shown that the smartphone in will have a microUSB slotand HDMI port located on the left side of the device. In addition to the virtual keyboard,the Motorola Droid 3 also has a five-row QWERTY keyboard with a special line fornumbers.

Unfortunately, other information associated with the CPU, screen resolution, or a version of Android that will be fixed to this phone have not been revealed. Let's see its development.

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